Wednesday, November 21

Text 141 - 150

141. Sharing with yo this beautiful prayer that I just received...

Dear God,
Most of us always desire a perfect situation, a perfect life. Yet, you , my Lord, do not grant a perfect lefe. What you give instead is a perfect heart in the midst of an imperfect life. Teach me to be cheerfl, hopeful, smiling amidst imperfections and to enjoy Your wondrous blessings every moment in time.


Monday, November 12

TEXT 131 - 140

131. Life is a rod full of twists and turns. Learn to enjoy the ride no matter how bumpy it is, for every twist and turn A BLESSING is always given as a return..

132. When the hearth is willing to love, it will find a thousand ways.. But when a heart is unwilling, it will find a thousand excuses.

133. Now I understand why some people get themselves drunk.. Its not because they just want to get wasted. But because they wanna escape each killing moment they spend every night thinking about whats happening with their damn Life... Of course they dont forget their problems.. at least they dont spend the night crying themselves to sleep.

134. Never forget to thank God for all the blessings He's given us. No mattere how good or bad, there's always a reason, and its always for the best.

135. In life there are lots of people watching our next move, desperately waiting for us to give p... but dont mind them... it just doubles the fun of living and surviving.. let's keep in mind that failures and problems are not things we should be scared of.. they could lead to breakthrough and great discoveries.. see life as an adventure and enjoy moment of it.

136. Life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and positions in society are the cups. They are jst tools to hold and contain life, and they type of cup we have does not define nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided s. God brews the coffee, not the cups. So enjoy yor coffee, never mind the cup.

137. Everything that is happening in this world has a purpose, be it something good or something bad. The universe never willed our lives to be like hell.. So when a turning point seems so terrible, later yo would notice that a wonderfl thing compensates for the seemingly hopeless incident. Very often than not, or lives become better and things becomes blessings in disgise after all.

138. When you love, never stick only to what your heart feels. Remember that sometimes, using your brain is necessity. Next, never use your eyes to cry for the person who hurt you. Instead se it to search for the right one. Lastly, dont be scared breaking p. Keeping a relationsip without love is just a waste of time. Take note. Love the one who will FIGHT FOR YOU and bravely face each and every consequences. Someone whome you can call "MINE".

139. Looking at pictures sometimes makes your heart ache because pictures are just a mere glimps of what it se to be. Its sad to think that what you saw on the pictures cold only be something that could never happen again. Seeing faces that would only tell yo that we used to have that smile with those people but if yo will think of it, only time will tell if you could cross yor path again. Cherish who you are with at the time. Because what you have right now may only be for a moment.

140. No one is rich enogh to buy back yesterday. But if you have the courage to do better things today, yo wold be the richest one tomorrow. "God bless yo for doing better things today. "

Friday, November 9

text 121 - 130

121. I may never have the opportunity to do graeat things for you, but I will always find a chance to do small things in a great way...Through prayers..

122. don't find someone who could simply sing your music or some who culd paint colors in your life..but find someone who cant dance but is willing to dance with you even without the music!

123. Being clever is when you believe only half of what you hear.. and being brilliant is when you know which half to believe..

124. If it is not yours, it will never be yours, no matter how much you are obsessed with it.

But if in case, just incase its for you.. It will always be for you no matter how often you ignore it...

125. Something worth reflecting on: "The longer you stay with the things you don't really enjoy equates to every moment you lose with what could be happy life.

126. In a failed relationship there are two persona: one who left and the one left behind.The former enjoys a lot while the latter dies slowly. The one who left rejoices as if he won a case. the other one though not guilty was jailed. The first will fine a new love but the memories and order was left the scar.

Lastly, the one who left wakes up with a brand new day while the one left behind wakes up with another day to battle the pain..

127. Today, be sure to smile, it makes you look better.. Pray, it keeps you stronger.. GiVE, it makes you richer LOVE, it makes you enjoy life..

128. A "goodbye" can hurt, but not as much as an "i love you" that can't be proven.

129. Life is like taking our photographs. We often pose the way we wanna be seen by others. But sometimes, by taking stolen shots, we capture who we really are.

130. "The PARADOX of our TIME: We talk to much, we love too seldom, and hate too often, We've learned how to make a living but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years".

Text 111 - 120

111. I've never understood the reason for someone to move on, its not like you're really going to move on, you're just trying to tell your heart to stop thinking about that person every second of every minute, every minute of every day, until it finally becomes a routine and you dont notice it anymore.

112. That is, till you see that person again with someone who isn't you and then you have to remind yourself again...

113. Whoever touches our lives leaves heart prints of love, friendship, and joy...Thank you for being a beautiful heart prints in my life...

Never listen to people who have the bad habit of being negative.. Because
they steal the best aspirations of your heart.. Always remind yourself of
the power of the words that we hear or read... Always choose to listen only to
words that will empower you to be better.

115. My life is not really perfect, not so wonderful..but I have the reason to be happy.. because theres someone like you whos been always good to me... Thanks.

116. Think of this:
Life is too short. Grudges are waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when
you can. Apologize when you should let go of what you can't change. Love deeply
and forgive quickly. Take chances. Give everything and have no regrets Life is
too short to be unhappy. You have to take the good with the bad. Smile when your
sad. Love what you got and always forgive but never forget. Learn from your
mistakes but never regret. People change and things go wrong
but remember: LIFE MUST GO ON..

117. A little turtle began to climb a tree. After hours of effort, he reached the top, jumped to the air waving his legs. He crashed to the ground. He tried again and once more he failed. A bird couple watching the turtle. Finally the female bird said. "dear, I think its time we tell him he's adapted.

118. You are more than what you do.. much more than what you accomplish and fore more than what you posses because you are what you are.

119. A broken trust can be best described as a crumpled pieace of paper no matter how hard you try to straigthen it out, it will never return on its true form.

120. Coffee, cream and sugar differ and taste, So do you frends, each have different attitudes and interests. But when friends mix together, they make a perfect blend..